From Struggle to Success: Navigating the 3 Stages of Weight Cycling

Have you ever found yourself caught in a frustrating cycle of losing weight, only to regain it shortly after? You’re not alone. Weight cycling, often known as “yo-yo dieting,” can take a toll not just on your body, but also on your mental well-being. Recent research sheds light on why people get stuck in this cycle and how they can break free from it. Let’s explore the findings of the study and uncover the three-stage journey of weight cycling.

Understanding the Cycle

Stage One: Entering the Cycle

For many individuals, the journey into weight cycling begins with societal pressures and experiences of weight stigma. Whether it’s comparing oneself to unrealistic standards on social media or facing hurtful comments from peers and family members, feelings of self-doubt and insecurity often arise early on.

Stage Two: Undergoing the Cycle

As individuals internalise these external pressures, their behaviours around food and exercise start to change. Eating habits may become more restrictive, and exercise may be seen primarily as a means to burn calories rather than for enjoyment. Despite efforts to lose weight, feelings of self-criticism and guilt often persist, especially when weight is regained.

Stage Three: Challenging the Cycle

Breaking free from the weight cycling cycle requires a shift in mindset. Some individuals find success by rejecting strict diets and reframing exercise as a form of self-care rather than punishment. However, overcoming negative thoughts about weight and body image can be an ongoing challenge, requiring self-awareness and resilience.

If you’re facing challenges with the weight cycle or if you’re aware of someone who might be, here are some important points to bear in mind:

  • Create a Safe Space: Avoid assuming that all individuals want to lose weight and be mindful of the language used to discuss weight-related topics. Creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment is crucial for building trust and promoting open communication.
  • Mindful Communication: Language matters. Hence, we should use language that empowers individuals and avoids body-shaming or triggering statements. Open-ended questions and positive reinforcement can help individuals feel understood and supported in their journey.
  • Focus on Well-being: By focusing on overall well-being rather than a number on the scale, you can foster a healthier relationship with food and exercise. Emphasising self-care, enjoyment, and balance can also help you break free from the cycle of weight cycling and embrace a more holistic approach to health.

Weight cycling is a complex phenomenon with deep-rooted psychological and societal factors. By understanding the stages of the cycle and adopting a compassionate approach, you can work towards breaking free from harmful patterns and embracing a more positive relationship with your body. It’s time to shift the conversation from weight loss to holistic well-being, empowering individuals to live healthier, happier lives.


Tylka TL, Annunziato RA, Burgard D, Daníelsdóttir S, Shuman E, Davis C, et al. The weight-inclusive versus weight-normative approach to health: evaluating the evidence for prioritizing well-being over weight loss. J Obes. 2014 Jul 23;2014:983495.

Romo L, Earl S, Mueller KA, Obiol M. A Qualitative Model of Weight Cycling. Qual Health Res. 2024 Jan 25;10497323231221666.:

Can Mindfulness Enhance Health and Nutrition? Let’s Find Out!

Ever found yourself mindlessly munching away, not really sure if you’re actually hungry? Or maybe you’ve polished off a meal without even realising you’re full? It happens to the best of us. But what if there’s a way to tune into your body’s signals and eat more mindfully? A recent study delves into how mindfulness can help us better understand our bodies and stick to a heart-healthy diet, especially for those dealing with high blood pressure. Let’s explore how this simple practice could revolutionise the way we approach our health and eating habits.

Unveiling the Study

Researchers at Brown University embarked on an eight-week journey with over 200 adults struggling with high blood pressure. They split them into two groups: one diving deep into mindfulness training, and the other just receiving some basic info on controlling blood pressure. The goal? To see if mindfulness could make a real difference in how well they understood their bodies and stuck to a healthy eating plan.

Key Findings

Fast forward six months, and those in the mindfulness group were really feeling the benefits. They became much better at recognising their body’s signals, especially when it came to controlling their emotions and knowing when to stop eating. Surprisingly, even those in the basic info group showed some improvements, though not as much. As for sticking to the heart-healthy DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, both groups made some progress, but the mindfulness crew seemed to do a bit better overall.

Insights and Reflections

This study shows us that a little mindfulness can go a long way in helping us listen to our bodies. Even though the mindfulness program was pretty intense, it’s clear that most people were up for the challenge. And even those who just got a leaflet managed to make some positive changes, proving that a nudge in the right direction can make a difference. Plus, it seems that getting better at tuning into our body’s signals might naturally lead to making healthier food choices.

Key Takeaways

  • Stoking Motivation: Recognise that feeling ready for change is a big deal. Tailoring support to match how much you’re up for making a change can really boost you chances of success.
  • Mindful Eating: Nurture the practice of mindful eating – it’s not just some hippy-dippy trend. Paying attention to how we eat can help us enjoy our food more and make better choices without even trying too hard.

Understanding what our body’s trying to tell us is key to looking after ourselves better. This study shows that mindfulness can help us do just that, making it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan. By paying closer attention to our body’s cues, we can make more mindful choices about what we eat and how we live. As we dig deeper into how our mind and body work together, mindfulness is shaping up to be a real game-changer for our health and well-being.


Loucks EB, Kronish IM, Saadeh FB, Scarpaci MM, Proulx JA, Gutman R, et al. Adapted Mindfulness Training for Interoception and Adherence to the DASH Diet: A Phase 2 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Nov 1;6(11):e2339243.

Struggling with Stress? Forest Bathing Might Be a Solution For You

Picture this: You’re faced with a choice – sitting at your desk or strolling through a serene forest, surrounded by nature’s wonders. For many, the latter option sounds far more appealing. And it’s not just about escaping screens – it’s about embracing the healing embrace of nature. Enter forest bathing, a practice gaining traction for its profound psychological benefits. But what exactly is it, and does it live up to the hype? Let’s delve into the research to uncover the truth.

Originating in Japan as shinrin-yoku, forest bathing is more than just a leisurely walk in the woods – it’s a therapeutic experience that engages all the senses. This practice, also known as forest therapy or forest medicine, has garnered attention worldwide for its potential to alleviate stress and improve overall well-being. But what does the science say?

A recent Italian study conducted an umbrella review of 16 systematic reviews, examining the effects of forest bathing on various health outcomes. While the quality of evidence varied, the consensus suggests that forest therapy offers notable psychological benefits. From mood enhancement to stress reduction, the evidence points towards a positive impact on mental health.

However, it’s essential to interpret these findings cautiously, considering the limitations of the individual studies. Despite some shortcomings, the overarching conclusion is clear: spending time in nature, even for as little as 10 to 30 minutes, can have significant benefits for emotional balance and relaxation.

Considering forest bathing? Here’s what to remember before you go:

  • Engage Your Senses: Embrace the full sensory experience of forest bathing – from the sight of towering trees to the soothing sounds of nature. Let the fragrance of the forest air and the feel of the earth beneath your feet immerse you in its therapeutic embrace.
  • Disconnect to Reconnect: Resist the temptation to document every moment with your phone. By unplugging from technology, you can fully immerse yourself in the natural world and reap the benefits of uninterrupted tranquillity.
  • Prioritise Mental Well-being: In times of stress, prioritise spending time in nature as a form of self-care. The restorative effects of forest bathing may surpass those of conventional workouts, offering a holistic approach to well-being.
  • Combine Exercise with Nature: Harness the evolutionary benefits of exercising in natural environments. By engaging both body and mind, outdoor workouts offer a unique opportunity to enhance cognitive function and overall fitness.

As the allure of forest bathing continues to captivate nature enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike, it’s essential to recognise its potential as a therapeutic tool for modern living. While more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms, the evidence thus far suggests that immersing oneself in the natural world can be a powerful antidote to the stresses of modern life. So, the next time you’re seeking solace from the chaos, consider taking a stroll through the forest – your mind and body will thank you for it.


Antonelli M, Donelli D, Carlone L, Maggini V, Firenzuoli F, Bedeschi E. Effects of forest bathing (shinrin-yoku) on individual well-being: an umbrella review. Int J Environ Health Res. 2021 Apr 28;1–26.

Raichlen DA, Alexander GE. Adaptive Capacity: An Evolutionary Neuroscience Model Linking Exercise, Cognition, and Brain Health. Trends Neurosci. 2017 Jul;40(7):408–21.

Breathing for Better Health: What You Need to Know

Have you ever heard of pranayama? It’s an ancient practice rooted in yoga, all about controlling your energy through breathing. Lately, it’s been getting a lot of attention, thanks to people like Wim Hof and James Nestor. They’re talking about how these breathing exercises can make you healthier and even help you live longer. But is there any truth to it? Let’s dive into the research and find out.

Unveiling the Study

Scientists have been studying pranayama for years now, and they’ve found some pretty interesting stuff. It turns out that these breathing techniques might help with things like relieving pain, improving spinal stability, and even reducing heartburn. But one of the most exciting findings is about oxidative stress – you know, the stuff that makes you age faster and puts you at risk for diseases like cancer.

A recent study looked at data from ten different trials involving over 500 people from five countries. They found that doing breathing exercises could actually lower oxidative stress levels in the body. How? Well, it seems to boost the antioxidants that fight off oxidative stress while reducing the harmful byproducts it creates.

What’s In It For You?

  • Stress Relief: Deep breathing isn’t just about calming your mind – it could also be good for your body. By helping you relax, it might be able to reduce the oxidative stress that builds up when you’re feeling stressed or anxious.
  • Find What Works for You: There’s no one “right” way to do breathing exercises. Different techniques work for different people, so it’s worth trying out a few to see what feels best for you.
    1. Box Breathing: Breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold – all for four counts each.
    2. Slow Exhales: Take a slow, controlled exhale through your mouth, letting your body naturally inhale.
    3. Mindful Breathing: Pay close attention to your breath, noticing how it feels as you breathe in and out.

Breathing might seem like a simple thing, but it turns out it could have some pretty big benefits for your health. By practising pranayama, you might be able to reduce stress, improve your mood, and even lower your risk of age-related diseases. So why not give it a try? After all, it’s just a breath away from feeling better.


Qiu K, Wang J, Chen B, Wang H, Ma C. The effect of breathing exercises on patients with GERD: a meta-analysis. Ann Palliat Med. 2020 Mar;9(2):405–13.

Wang H, Liu XL, Wang T, Tan JYB, Huang H. Breathing Exercises for Pain Management in Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review. Pain Manag Nurs. 2023 Jun;24(3):299–310.

Shi J, Liu Z, Zhou X, Jin F, Chen X, Wang X, et al. Effects of breathing exercises on low back pain in clinical: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Complement Ther Med. 2023 Dec;79:102993.

Martarelli D, Cocchioni M, Scuri S, Pompei P. Diaphragmatic breathing reduces postprandial oxidative stress. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jul;17(7):623–8.

Li TT, Wang HY, Zhang H, Zhang PP, Zhang MC, Feng HY, et al. Effect of breathing exercises on oxidative stress biomarkers in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Med. 2023 Apr 5;10:1121036.

Exploring Coffee’s Health Impact: Is It a Friend or a Foe?

Jerry Seinfeld once humourously summed up our love affair with coffee: “We want to do a lot of stuff; we’re not in great shape. We didn’t get a good night’s sleep. We’re a little depressed. Coffee solves all these problems in one delightful little cup.” But beyond the laughter, where does coffee stand when it comes to our health? Let’s break it down and separate fact from fiction.

Recent research published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that caffeinated coffee may not be as detrimental to health as once thought. In fact, moderate consumption – about three to five cups a day – has been associated with a reduced risk of certain diseases and mortality.

But what about the caffeine? While coffee boasts beneficial phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals, caffeine can have both positive and negative effects depending on individual metabolism. Approximately half of the population are “slow” caffeine metabolisers, which means they may be more susceptible to adverse effects like anxiety and heart disease.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalised Impact: Coffee affects everyone differently, with some individuals experiencing anxiety or agitation at high doses. Slow caffeine metabolisers, in particular, may need to monitor their intake more closely to avoid negative side effects.
  • Consider External Factors: Pregnancy, oral contraceptive use, and smoking can all influence caffeine metabolism, altering its effects on the body. It’s essential to be mindful of these factors when assessing coffee consumption.
  • Coffee vs. Sleep: While coffee can provide a temporary energy boost, it’s no substitute for quality sleep. Relying on caffeine to compensate for sleep deprivation can perpetuate a cycle of fatigue and stress, negatively impacting overall health. If you want to learn more about the connection between coffee consumption and insomnia, this article could provide valuable insights.
  • Serving Size Awareness: A standard cup of coffee in research terms is eight ounces, yet many commercial servings exceed this volume. Clients should be aware of their true coffee intake and consider reducing consumption if necessary.

In the ongoing debate over coffee’s health effects, moderation and individualisation are key. By understanding how coffee interacts with our bodies and considering lifestyle factors, we can make informed choices that support overall well-being. So, whether you’re sipping a morning brew or contemplating that afternoon pick-me-up, remember – it’s all about balance.


So Jerry Seinfeld Called Us to Talk about Coffee. NPR: The Salt. April, 2013.

Van Dam RM, Hu FB, Willett WC. Coffee, Caffeine, and Health. N Engl J Med . 2020 Jul 23;383(4):369–78.

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